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Na Sala de Espera

In The Waiting Room

Rita and Nuno strike up a conversation in a waiting room. They pass the time discussing what their homes look like, who they live with, and some of their daily routines.

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  • 00:00:04Rita: Olá! Eu sou a Rita. E tu?
  • 00:00:06Nuno: Olá, Rita. Eu chamo-me Nuno. Muito prazer.
  • 00:00:11Rita: Prazer! Esta sala de espera é muito parecida com a minha sala.
  • 00:00:16Nuno: Ah sim? Por ser pequena?
  • 00:00:19Rita: Sim, também. Mas, principalmente, por causa do sofá vermelho.
  • 00:00:24Tenho um igual na minha sala.
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atéeven, until, up to o consultóriooffice, clinic, doctor's office, consulting room a despensapantry as divisõesdivisions, rooms a janelawindow lerto read ParecidoSimilar, alike PrincipalmenteMainly, especially o quartobedroom a salaroom, living room a sala de esperawaiting room o terraçoterrace a varandabalcony
Premium Feature: Smart Review

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ClaroOf course por causa debecause of, due to Muito prazerVery nice to meet you Prazer!Pleasure!, i.e. it's a pleasure to meet you Todos os diasEvery day Ai sim?Really?, Is that so?, Oh yeah? Tomar o pequeno-almoçoTo have breakfast, Literally - To take breakfast
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With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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Um Passeio Pela Marginal
A Distração Perfeita
Cais do Sodré
Estação de São Bento
Jantar em Casa do José
Vasco da Gama
Rita E Raquel Vão Ao Cinema
Memórias De Ontem
O Miguel Faz A Vontade À Gisela
Tratado de Tordesilhas


  • In the conversation, Nuno says “É preciso uma casa grande!” Why is “de” not used after preciso?

    • We use ‘de’ as needed after a conjugated form of the verb precisar. But in this case, ‘preciso’ is not a verb conjugation, but an adjective (derived from the past participle of the verb). Nuno is not saying “I need”, but “it’s necessary”, if translated literally. In this context, no preposition is added 🙂

  • Thank you as always for these incredibly helpful audios. I’m curious why “preciso” means “I need” but in the context of the audio it can also mean “it takes/needs”? Why not “é precisa”? Obrigada!

    • Thanks for your comment! “Preciso” means “I need” when used as a first-person singular conjugation (eu preciso). In this case, Nuno is saying “É preciso”, which directly translates as “It’s necessary”. In this context, preciso works as an adjective, not a verb. Since the sentence is worded in a general sense, without a concrete subject, this adjective can be treated as invariable and remain in the masculine singular form, regardless of the gender or number of what comes after 🙂

  • In the beginning Rita says “Olá! Eu sou a Rita. E tu?” Isn’t “tu” familiar? If she doesn’t know him why would she use this form?

    • Olá! It’s definitely very informal, but not necessarily familiar. ‘Tu’ is standard among the youth and also between younger adults of similar ages, for example (we could assume that’s the case here), as well as from older adults to younger folks, even if they’re just getting to know each other. It might also work in other situations, always with cultural & contextual sensitivity in mind.

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