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Couves e Alfaces

Cabbages and Lettuces

Luís and Joel have a casual chat and end up debating the nutritional value of lettuce.

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    • 00:00:01Luís: Estou?
    • 00:00:02Joel: Olá, Luís.
    • 00:00:03Luís: Olá, Joel.
    • 00:00:04Joel: Está tudo bem?
    • 00:00:06Luís: Está. E contigo?
    • 00:00:07Joel: Muito bem. Onde é que tu estás?
    • 00:00:09Luís: Estou no Porto. A que é que devo o prazer desta chamada?
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    a alfacelettuce almoçarto have lunch a chamadacall a couvecabbage, collard greens, kale encherto fill escurodark experimentarto try out, taste, experience os nutrientesnutrients a vistasight, view
    Premium Feature: Smart Review

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    Claro que nãoOf course not Estou?Hello? in the context of answering the phone Há bocadoA little while ago, Earlier Ainda nãoNot yet Espera aíWait a minute, Hang on, Hold on there
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