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Lides Domésticas

Household Chores

Are you doing any “lides caseiras” this weekend?

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    • 00:00:00Joana: Eu tenho o sábado livre, para já.
    • 00:00:02Joel: Ok.
    • 00:00:02Joana: Então, acho que vou fazer algumas lides caseiras.
    • 00:00:06Joel: Fazer as 'lidas' caseiras?
    • 00:00:07Lides. Lides caseiras. "Lide" acho que é "trabalho".
    • 00:00:11Ok.
    • 00:00:12Joana: Então, vou fazer as tarefas de casa habituais. Limpar, arrumar, lavar roupa.
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    arrumarto arrange, set, tidy, store o aspiradorvacuum lavarto wash as lides caseirashousework as lides domésticashousework, household chores limparto clean livrefree a tarefatask tarefas domésticashousehold chores
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    With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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    Bom fim de semanaHave a good weekend Não vale a penaIt's not worth it, There's no point
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    With a Premium Subscription, you can take save these phrases to Smart Review, and use spaced repetition to commit them to long-term memory.

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